JUDICIARY Latest Features

Justice Nakachwa Starts Mukono High Court Criminal Session
Hon. Lady Justice Florence Nakachwa Dollo (3 Right)

Hon.Lady Justice Florence Nakachwa Dollo kicked off a criminal session at Mukono High Court where 40 cases are going to be handled in a month.

Nearly half of the 40 cases that have been causelisted for trial are sexual offences;16 cases are for Aggravated Defilement and three are for Rape.

The other cases Hon. Lady Justice Nakachwa is going to handle during the Session are:-  Murder (11), Aggravated Robbery (8),Kidnap to Procure Ransom (1) and Trafficking in Children (1). 

During the Session, two Senior State Attorneys shall appear for prosecution while three State Brief Advocates shall appear for defense.

Posted 27th, July 2023
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